Saturday, August 8, 2009

Next Stop: Restaurant City

RESTAURANT CITY: Next addiction.....

Okay, now let's proceed to another facebook game application created again by no other than Playfish. Oh yeah, it seems Playfish is doing a good job in creating games that will create addiction amongst people of all ages. After feeding and brushing your pet, playing and shopping with your pet and visiting houses of your friends' pets, why don't we let them rest for a while and move to the next level of gaming. Yes, why don't we start opening up our own restaurant? Let's play RESTAURANT CITY!

Unlike Pet Society, I found Restaurant City interesting at the moment I first used the application. I was already attached to the game while I was just playing my first 30 minutes. Here, you are already panicking why the customers are leaving even if your waiters and chefs are 100% productive. You will also panic if you don't know how to expand your business with a limited amount of coins since you still use your coins to maintain your employees' productivity. And with that, it will make the game more challenging thus more interesting to play.


(Here's gonna happen if I left my employees starved to death LOL )

One thing I love about this game is that I can hire my friends to be my employees. It was just fun to imagine what will happen if that is for real. Ha ha! I even had a chance to make fun of some of my friends by being assigned to as a cleaner. Here in this picture, I assigned my cousin to be my cleaner in which he really reacted too much, and for me that is fun!


(I bet he's not enjoying to be a cleaner in my restaurant haha)

It is also enjoyable when you and your friends are bragging each other's new item in your newly built restaurant. We even named our restaurants as crazy as you can imagine. And then here's the time that we realize we need to level up our own menu to earn more experience points. That is so chaotic when we all found out about that but it was fun! Everybody is having their secret deals in exchanging ingredients, you will even find your friend adding a lot of friends just to get free ingredients, and I even found myself bribing my rare items in Pet Society just to get the ingredients I needed. Well, desperate times really happen. LOL!

Right now, I'm still in the crisis of the willingness to change my restaurant's facade but I can't because I don't have enough coins. My new interior (effect of renovating it little by little) now doesn't match my facade. But it's fine, I am still working on it. You'll see in the pictures that my interior really didn't match my facade. Ha ha!


My Interior.... looks formal.. but then wait for my facade........


Tanan! My facade is way too far with my interior, it looks like it's a different restaurant from the first picture haha!

Right now, the new things are the three dishes in every menu (playfish wants my circle of friends to be chaotic again after being peaceful for a very long time after achieving our top level dishes haha), and there is also the sound that you can pick on that may be the theme of your restaurant. I still remember when I joined Restaurant City, it's just tables and chairs and the pride of having the teleport stove. Now, there are these functional items like the toilets and sinks as well as the expensive atomic stove.

Well, Restaurant City is still doing their very best to improve the facebook application they created which proved to be very popular in the facebook community. Job well done! I'll be expecting for more new things, and I'll post it here as soon as I found out about it. Keep on coming back!


Thursday, August 6, 2009

First Stop: Pet Society

PET SOCIETY: One of the first popular game applications in Facebook

I remember last mid-year of 2008 in which my friend is inviting me to try facebook. (Oh yeah, I just joined last year, lol). I was so hesitant to try it since there are a lot of social networking sites that I have already encountered but didn't impress me. But then, my friend still insisted for me to join facebook. So I tried. My first question was, what am I gonna do now? Then she gave me the first game application that she wants me to try.

What was that? Tantananan (with audience applause effect hehe)... our all time favorite Pet Society!

At first, I wasn't even enjoying this application at all. I was like, "What the hell am I gonna do with a nude pet, an empty room, a soap, a brush, a ball?"

And then out of boredom, I began exploring the game. Then, I don't know what happened but as long as I stay in the game and continuing to explore everything, I became more and more excited about what's the game is going to offer me. It's like Pet Society has a secret magic that is not so appealing at first but when you attempted to explore it a little bit, you will become clingy to this application. Yeah, that's the exact word, "clingy", you don't want to leave your pet anymore. Ha ha!

It was like when you're visiting your friends and saw new items, there is a feeling that you MUST have that item! Then you will begin finding yourself getting mad when you lost a race, inviting a lot of friends so that you have a lot to visit everyday, play the rope, ball, and the frisbee, and even giving time to pass through the trees that you can see around the pet society community, JUST TO GET COINS! Ha ha!

I even remember that I am bribing someone else before just to give me the item that she has. That's how I am desperate to have that item before!

I am so poor before, I'm just like this:


But out of addiction, I am now this:


(Oh yeah, my pet is just preparing for flood that may come, it's been raining for almost a week now LOL!)

I really don't know what happened but I've been playing this game application for almost a year now, and still a fan of this certified hit! Kudos to Playfish for that!

I thought this game is just for girls who love to dress pets, decorate houses, and shop for items, but I was DEFINITELY WRONG! I have a lot of guy friends who love this facebook application. They even beg me for gifts. Ha ha! When I am visiting internet shops here in our place, there are a lot of people, (guys, gals, kids, oldies), who are playing ropes, having race, visiting their friends' houses, and passing on the trees.... yes they are all playing PET SOCIETY!

I will be posting some updates here soon about this game because I am sooo loving this game. I will be posting some of my pictures too to share my idea on how I decorate my rooms. (It is so addicting I want more rooms!) Ha ha ha! So guys, just stay there and wait for more updates! This is just an introduction, wait for some more!


Wednesday, August 5, 2009

My First Ever Post

Hi Gamers!

Now I will know how does it feel like to have a blog of my own with just a specific topic and not just to share my experiences in everyday life. Well, I'm still kind of sharing my experiences in this blog but just focusing to one topic.

What's that? Well, my love for online games!

Yup, you heard me right. I'll be writing my reviews of different kinds of online games that I played and still playing. I'll also be sharing some of the tips and tricks on how to get high scores, new items, and a lot of things which will make you the leader among other players you know!

I'm kinda excited about this blog and excited about other people will know what I know regarding online games. I'll be also giving updates to different kinds of online games that I know of so make sure to follow this blog once in a while to get new ideas, new updates, and a lot of new things of your favorite online games.

So I just hope all of you who have a love for online games will follow this blog! See you soon. I'll be preparing a lot of things for you guys.
